Monday, 29 April 2013

Film analysis James Bond Quantun Of Solace

This is a high action film opening in the James Bond series. This is more than the stereotypical film opening, the first 5 minutes are packed to the brim with high speed car chase shots, gunfire and quick fire camera shots. Before all of the action kicks off the film starts with the traditionional logos are used. These logos are usually tailored to the film but in this case the logos are in the opening as standard. The first minutes are full of quick camera shots from different angles to show the intensity of the situation, I think this is one of the best scenes from the film because of the high adrenaline action and fast paced shots. To make the scene even more dangerous there is James Bond driving away from someone and they are both shooting at each other. The film opening ends with James Bond killing off the baddies and driving into his safe place in sienna. He then opens the boot to reveal Mr white. This links the film back to the last one.

Thursday, 25 April 2013


We have decided to now make a story board now we have all of the information we need, this is on the final steps before going out to film. It is not a very well drawn story board, but we know from the writing and the shot list what we need to do and in what order. The picture contains just the first 8 scenes of the storyboard.

Shot List

This is a picture of a section of our shot list  We have made this before we film so we can go out and film accurately and in order so we know what we are doing, this will save time and will minimise mistakes. This will also be quick to film as will have separated the shot list for different locations, that way we wont need to keep travelling back to locations to film other bits. The shot list contains different areas, number of scene to show the order, the shot title so we know roughly what it is about and the overall description to show what will exactly be going on in the shot. Also we have included an elements section this includes the vital elements that will be incorporated into the shot as well as some of the camera shots we feel will work well. Following this we plan on making a story board to show the different scenes in picture and how the story will flow.

Class Q and A

After gathering all of the feedback we have decided that Idea 1 will be our best option and is by far our strongest. We have lots of further ideas we are going to contribute to improve on the brief idea. This was the response from our class mates when we presented our initial ideas, here is some of the questions they asked and answers we gave along with their overall feedback:

Idea 1:
(Q) Dom W: "How is the man going to get hold of the drugs?"
(A): "He is going to be working in the same building as this drug dealer/gangster, the drugs get mixed up as they both have similar packages and everything gets muddled when the post boy delivers the mail. They both have no time to check the name on the front as they both want to get home"

(Q)Ben: "Where is the kidnap going to take place?"
(A): "The kidnap will be down a narrow path near night time whilst nobody is around it will be quick and realistic as the capture him from behind"

(Q) James: "How will you insure you adapt the action genre throughout the film?"
(A) "We will do this as we are going to have fast paced snappy shots making it seem fast and interesting to the viewer. We are going to add music when the kidnappers are in the car driving to the man and when they kidnap him. There will be intense music playing through. The fast car is symbolic of an action film as is the gun, violence and chase."

- "this idea is strong and seems well planned"
- "the drug mix up may need to planned a little better to be more realistic but apart from that if everything is planned well it sounds like a very good idea"

Idea 2:
(Q) Lauren: "What is the plot for the car chase?"
(A) "being one of our weaker ideas we have not yet established how we are going to show the plot but it will be obvious they are chasing them for a reason and want to harm them as they reveal a gun"

(Q) Dom W: "Where will you do this car chase, without causing any harm?"
(A) "we plan on doing the car chase on a parkway at dusk keeping an eerie feel. We will do it at a time when the roads are almost empty, we will not be driving and no more than the speed limits this shouldn't be an issue and will still look fast on camera."

(Q) Curtis: "What will happen when the car chase is over?"
(A) "we will pull into a secure empty area near a field and get out of the car, one man will say to the other 'that was way to close'. Both will then walk into the bush and bury something"

- "this idea seems less achievable than the first but still has the main aspects of the genre of an action film"
- "the best part of this film will be the ending as it leaves the audience with suspense, the car chase may not look as good as you expect as you haven't got the camera technologies and your first idea certainly seems the strongest."

Idea 3
(Q) Ben: "Where and when will you film the mugging?"
(A) "we will film it down a long narrow path where there is hardly anybody about as it is surround by fields, it is local so easy to get to. It will be filmed at dusk which will create a scarier feel"

(Q) Curtis: "how do you plan on filming the chase?"
(A) "We plan on using track shots for parts of it, but mainly panning shots as the camera looks from a distance, again we will keep the shots very short and snappy to keep up the pace of the movement, allowing the viewer to be part of the chase. Another way we can keep it fast paced is by using a variety of shots, close-ups and extreme close ups and establishing, also the angles changing this will keep the viewer interested."

(Q) Lauren: "is there going to be any dialogue?"
(A) "we don't plan on including a lot in this idea as we think it doesn't need much to make sense especially when its so fast paced we don't think it will fit in much. There will be some shouting form the woman and pedestrians  but the main sounds will be the panting from the running of the mugger to feel we are running with him. At the end we plan on the mugger saying 'Finally' whilst look at the usb, it will then cut black"

- "This also one of your best ideas with one and out weighs idea two. The storyline seems easy to follow but very effective"
- "This seems like a very strong idea and has a good story line and good ideas about the filming of it. But I feel it might be quite short so you may have to film more detail at the start. Having said that I feel Idea one is your strongest and best option"

Mood Board

This is a mood board I have created revolving around action and thriller movie genre as it is what we have now selected. Some of the pictures are scenes from famous movies we are going to use to guide our idea as well as some of the props.

Our Definate Idea

Mistaken Identity - We feel as though this is a great title for our film as the guy who is kidnapped has been mistaken for someone else, as he is innocent, or is he ?

Plot/Outline Summary
Two men work at the same office, John Peters and Danny Stevens, we seem them both take phone calls at the start from this we tell that John is your normal man waiting to go home after the mail is handed out. As for Danny, he acts suspicous taking his phone call outside, we realise he is up to something when he speaks privatley and by his conversation on the phone. 
Both men bump into eachother on the way out and accidently switch packages. When Danny walks out of work and meets his boss in the car park he finds out it is not his package and that the other package with 50 thousand pounds worth of drugs is in Johns Hands. His Boss 'Steven Graham' gets annoyed and plans an action to get the drugs back. Later that evening John is almost home but unfortunatley he gets kidnapped by the two men, loading him in the boot they head off quickly in their get away vehicle. Unfortunatley leaving Johns bag which he dropped and the drugs behind. 
In the next scene we see them interrogating John in a dark room he gts beaten up and threatend at gun point, still denying any inolvement  with the drugs. The question who he works for and believe he has done this on purpose.
We then see John slip a small knife from up his sleeve and relieve his hands form tape on the chair he is attached to. Danny has no clue of this. John knocks the gun out of his hand and smacks it across the room, the scene goes black and a gun shot is let off, but who is killed? and is John really innocent?

Opening Sequence
 We start the whole film with subtitles showing the directors and actors with intense music in the background which gives the viewer and incline of what type of movie they expect. We then introduce the characters by both main characters, Danny and John answer a phone simoltaniously, their converstaions tell you abit about each charcater. The first shot is a close up of a phone and a match on action followed by the same but with Dannys mobile. This keeps people wondering what is happening.

Characters (genre, role, image etc)
The main character John Peters is played by Adam Lomas, he is an innocent and friendly looking guy, who is dressed smartly. We wanted him o look this way as we want people to establish he is going to be the victim and the innocent one in this straight away. A innocent victime is always a stereotypical character you will find in most action movies getting caught up in the drama so we thought it would be important to include this role in ours.

The bad guy also a main character is Danny Stevens, played by Dominic Clarke, he is part of the drug deal and works at the same office as John. He seems suspicious to the audience in the way he acts as his role is suppose to be someone you cant trust and a bad person.

The other main character is Steven Graham, played by Bradley Roche, dressed in a suit and Shades it shows is importance and dominance over Danny. He is represented as the big, tough guy and leader especially when we see danny calling him boss. This character is typical of what you will find in an action movie as their is always a leader, someone callin all the shots.

The next character is less important, he is a mail boy in the workplace, played by Roberto Pinto. He stars in the small section handing out the vital mail that they all desperatley want, mainly Danny. Dress casually smart he represnts the charcater and role well.

The workplace will be filmed inside the school during the day time, it is down a quite corrider which resembles your usual office workplace. We use an office phone and computer to make it seem realistic and to keep the theme clear to people. The kidnapp will be filmed at dusk as it adds supcious and eery feel to the footage. Darkness always represnts bad things.

Dark garage
Outside in quiet area
School office workplace

School interior for office workplace shots, this is easy to acces and ideal appearance.
A local quite resdiential street for kidnapping to show John is head home.
A local business 'Olympus House' this will the workplace exterior for when both men walk out of work to make it seem more realistic.
Dom's car will be used as the get away car and interior shots will be vital.
Bradleys garage will be used for the interrogation scene as it seems dark and eery.

Danny and JOhn will both be wearing shirts and ties to show that they are both at work, John looks very representable to show he is the kind and innocent charcater. 
Steven Graham the head gangster will be wearing a full suit and sunglasses. this shows his power instantly as it is a stereotypical symbol for power and leadership.

A prentend Gun, this is vital to show power and violence, included in almost every action movie.
Fake Drugs, these are use to look realistic and will play a part to allow the viewers to understand the plot.
Telephone in office
Mobile phone
Johns bag
Fake blood
Duct tape

Recci Shots

 Today we went around school and our local area taking recci shots of potential areas and propse we are going to use to create our film opening. Thesewould then create an image of we could expect the film to look like and if they are the right option.
This is a room within the school we are considering using it as an office and a workplace for Danyy and John. We feel with a bit of reorgansing it could look ideal for an office environment and will match exactly what we are after. Especially with all of the computers and desks.

This will be our get away vehicle for the kidnap and the car the drug dealers own. It is teh only car we have access to but will be a vitle prop in the film. The back of the car will important as it will be shown when the kidnap takes place and when the car gets away. With the dark tinited windows it adds mystery and crime.

This is inside the boot where we will put John Peters the victim.

We plan on shooting inside the car when the two drug dealers will talk to one another.
This is where we plan doing the kidnap it is a local area down a side street, close by a bus stop where we will make it seem as though John has just got off.
These are the pretend drugs we have created from cling film, duc tape, flour and paracetemol, we will see danny reveal these in the footage.
This is a hall way in school we plan on using it as a hall way in the office work place this is where the swap of the parcels take place, we feel it looks professional and like how we invisioned.
This is the exact spot we plan on filming the kidnap. It is a quite area so we should have no problem filming here, we plan on filming it at dusk so it will seem more intense. It is also near a residential area so we know Danny is on his way home.
This is a road up to the scene of the kidnap, we are considering using these as footage when driving to show the fast pace and rush of action to create drama.
This is the front of the get way vehicle

The Props

We have managed to gather together a number of vital props we feel will be important and will add to the genre of an action film. These all are usually seen in action movies so we thought that they were the most important props to include in ours to try and portray the genre as well as we could.

The fake blood capsules we have purchased are going to be used in the interrogation scene to make the attacked look more realistic.
The balaclavas are a typical prop used in a criminal attack, so we thought they would be necessary when carrying out the crime of the kidnap.

The Duct Tape is used to retain John Peters in the interrogation room.
The pen knife is a weapon used by John as he escapes his way out of the duct tape
The car is used for the kidnap and is most probably the most important prop as allows the kidnap to take place and for them to get away.

The gun we are using is very realistic and will be used to threaten John, again a prop in almost every action film so an important thing for us to include.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013


Here is a questioniare that we produced before we started our film and hoped to discovered some results that will help is determine the film gnere and the target audience we wish to aim for.

1. Are you a guy or a girl

2. How old are you?

3. What is your favorite movie genre.

4. What is the genre you dislike the most. 

5. Why? (for question four)

6. Specify a little about your preferred genre. (eg Horror - Psychological horror)

7. How important are the first ten minutes of a film to you.

8. What is your view on the use of flash-forward on the opening scene. 

9. Does the actor choice influence you when deciding weather or not to watch a movie?

10. Do you have a favorite actor/ actress? If so which film genre's do you like to see them in. 

11. What is your favorite film (from the genre that you picked as your favorite)

12. What is your least favorite (also from that genre.)

13. Which age certificate is your most watched. 

14. Name three things that you need to have in a film (eg love)

Mood Board

This is a mood board I have created revolving around action and thriller movie genre as it is what we have now selected. Some of the pictures are scenes from famous movies we are going to use to guide our idea as well as some of the props.

Monday, 22 April 2013

Props Prompt Arrival

Fortunately we have been lucky and all of the props we have ordered have arrived before the due date to start filming. We have two balaclavas and several blood capsules to use to make the film opening look as realistic as possible.

Risk Assessment

Carrying out a risk assessment helps us determine any risks not just to us but the community and other students. we have made sure that whilst in our car scene we are not exceeding speed limits and just edit it to make it look like we are going faster. also we are making the kidnapping as real as possible so any members of the public will be informed that its a educational video.It has been brought to my attention that we need to ask permission of the land owners to film on there property and therefore will be drafting a letter to them and will be posting it on here as soon as we are able.secondally because we are using a fake gun the local police have to be informed so residents dont call them and tell them we have a gun and just stops and misunderstandings.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Youtube Channel for Lunatic Productions

We have created a YouTube channel for our company so that we can get feedback from viewers and find out what they think of our work.

Our Production Company Name and Logo

The production company may be directly responsible for fundraising for the production or may accomplish this through a parent company, partner, or private investor. It handles budgeting, scheduling, scripting, the supply with talent and resources, the organization of staff, the production itself, post-production, distribution, and marketing. Production companies are often either owned or under contract with a media conglomerate, film studio, entertainment company, or Motion Picture Company, who act as the production company's partner or parent company. This has become known as the "studio system". They can also be mainstream independent (see Lucasfilms) or completely independent (see Lionsgate). In the case of TV, a TV production company would serve under a television network. Production companies can work together in co-productions.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

The Idea-The Kidnapping

We are going to create a film opening with the action genre. Our opening is going to be based on a plot where it starts in a normal everyday workplace and two people each carrying a package bump into each other and accidentally mix up the package (this is not obviously seen that each have the others package at the time) one of the men is a errand boy for a underground drug company. When they realise that they have the wrong package they set about getting it back by kidnapping the victim and torturing him into the whereabouts of the drugs (they suspect he is police but he is just an innocent bystander) the opening ends with a black screen and a gunshot so that you don't know where he is alive or dead, left on a cliffhanger.

The Plan of Action

We are aiming to film the entire piece in one or two days and have only one extra day to amend and film any extra bits we need. This should be next Tuesday when all of the props have arrived and we are totally prepared. We are aiming to have everything finished in the next couple of weeks.

Props and Their Purpose

So far we have placed an order for a number of props to make our film opening look more professional.
We have ordered two balaclava's for the kidnappers to use during the kidnapping.
We have also ordered some fake blood capsules to make the interrogation/beaten up scene look more realistic.
I have managed to get hold of a prop gun to use as well to make it feel more real for the person being kidnapped.
We are hoping to have good costumes for both the kidnappers and the victim to make the film opening stand out.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Preliminary Exercise

This is our preliminary exercise,our task was to film someone walking and opening a door. This was then to be followed by two people exchanging a few sentences of dialogue to finish the piece off.

Copyright Infringement Laws

When we have finished our final film opening we have to make sure that we either have permission to use certian songs or have at least informed the owner of the song that we are going to use it and that if we dont hear from you we will presume that its ok to use it.

British Board of Film Classification

A comprehensive summary of the BBFC’s history from 1912 to the present day can be found in our popular Student Guide.
Areas of notable interest include T.P. O’Connor’s 1916 list of 43 grounds for deletion, intended as a guide for Examiners; the shifts in public opinion and changes in the law over the decades; and the classification of various controversial films from Straw Dogs and A Clockwork Orange to the ‘video nasties’ of the 1980s.
Case studies for the classification history of some of the more well-known films including some of the films below can be found on Students’ BBFC.

  • Caligula
  • Cannibal Holocaust
  • The Last House on the Left
UUniversalAll ages admitted, there is nothing unsuitable for children.
PGParental GuidanceAll ages admitted, but certain scenes may be unsuitable for young children. May contain mild language and sex/drugs references. May contain moderate violence if justified by context (e.g. fantasy).
12A12ACinema only. Introduced in 2002. Films under this category are considered to be unsuitable for very young people. Those aged under 12 years are only admitted if accompanied by an adult, aged at least 18 years, at all times during the motion picture. However, it is generally not recommended that children under 12 years should watch the film. Films under this category can contain mature themes, discrimination, soft drugs, infrequent strong language and moderate violence, sex references and nudity. Sexual activity may be briefly and discreetly portrayed. Sexual violence may be implied or briefly indicated.
1212Home media only since 2002. 12A-rated films are usually given a 12 certificate for the VHS/DVD version unless extra material has been added that requires a higher rating. Nobody younger than 12 can rent or buy a 12-rated VHS, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, UMD or game. The content guidelines are identical to those used for the 12A certificate.
1515Only those over 15 years are admitted. Nobody younger than 15 can rent or buy a 15-rated VHS, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, UMD or game, or watch a film in the cinema with this rating. Films under this category can contain adult themes, hard drugs, frequent strong language and limited use of very strong language, strong violence and strong sex references, and nudity without graphic detail. Sexual activity may be portrayed but without any strong detail. Sexual violence may be shown if discreet and justified by context.
1818Only adults are admitted. Nobody younger than 18 can rent or buy an 18-rated VHS, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, UMD or game, or watch a film in the cinema with this rating. Films under this category do not have limitation on the bad language that is used. Hard drugs are generally allowed, and explicit sex references along with detailed sexual activity are also allowed. Scenes of strong real sex may be permitted if justified by the context. Very strong, gory, and/or sadistic violence is usually permitted. Strong sexual violence is permitted unless it is eroticised or excessively graphic.
R18Restricted 18Can only be shown at licensed adult cinemas or sold at licensed sex shops, and only to adults, those aged 18 or over. Films under this category always contain hard-core pornography, defined as material intended for sexual stimulation and containing clear images of real sexual activity, strong fetish material, explicit animated images, or sight of certain acts such as triple simultaneous penetration and snowballing. There remains a range of material that is often cut from the R18 rating: strong images of injury in BDSM or spanking works, urolagnia, scenes suggesting incest even if staged, references to underage sex or childhood sexual development and aggressive behaviour such as hair-pulling or spitting on a performer are not permitted. More cuts are demanded in this category than any other category.

Goodfellas Codes and Conventions

This film is presented by warner bros. The beggining of the titles where the Warner Bros logo is shown may show that the film didnt have a lot of money to work with. I believe this because the warner logo is the original and not been made to suit or flow with the storyline.
There are also some good camera angles in the first few minutes, there are some close ups in the car and when they have got out there are some match on action of the man in the boot being stabbed and shot.

Harry Potter Codes and Conventions

In the very beginning of this trailer the warner bros logo is used, the logo itself is made to look slightly gloomy and dark to represent the film within itself even though it hasn't officially started yet. The logo gives you an example of the potential genre of the film. In this case the logo at the beginning directly represents the film and its genre.


Codes and Conventions

Codes and Conventions in Media
• The media construct reality.
• The media have their own forms, codes and conventions.
• The media present ideologies and value messages.
• The media are business that have commercial interests.
• Audiences negotiate meaning in media.
Media mediate reality via the use of recognized codes and conventions,
and the credibility or realism of a media text may be judged by the degree
to which the audience identifies with what is being portrayed.
Media students identify three categories of codes that may be used to
convey meanings in media messages: technical codes, which include
camera techniques, framing, depth of field, lighting and exposure and
juxtaposition; symbolic codes, which refer to objects, setting, body
language, clothing and colour; and written codes in the form of
headlines, captions, speech bubbles and language style.


In fiction, continuity (also called time-scheme) is consistency of the characteristics of persons, plot, objects, places and events seen by the reader or viewer over some period of time. It is of relevance to several media.
Continuity is particularly a concern in the production of film and television due to the difficulty of rectifying an error in continuity after shooting has wrapped up. It also applies to other art forms, including novels, comics, anime, video games and animation, though usually on a smaller scale.

Shot / Reverse shot

Shot reverse shot (or shot/counter shot) is a film technique where one character is shown looking at another character (often off-screen), and then the other character is shown looking back at the first character. Since the characters are shown facing in opposite directions, the viewer assumes that they are looking at each other.

Match on Action

Match on action is when there is an ordinary shot of anything and the camera cuts to the more important parts of the shot.
This video clearly explains how match on actions works. :)

The 180 Degree Rule

The 180 degree rule is when you have one camera angle where two people are facing certain directions. because you have done this you now cant switch to the opposite side.(the other side of the 180 line) if you were to move the camera over the line without cutting it then it is allowed because you can see the movement over the line.


my name is Dom Clarke and im studying media studies at ken Stimpson community school. im also studying English language, business studies and finance.
for media we have to choose 3 other people to work with. im working with Roberto Pinto, Brad Roche and Adam Lomas.
we have to do a preliminary excercise on continuity folllowed by main task in which includes an opening to a fiction film and titles.