Thursday 25 April 2013

Class Q and A

After gathering all of the feedback we have decided that Idea 1 will be our best option and is by far our strongest. We have lots of further ideas we are going to contribute to improve on the brief idea. This was the response from our class mates when we presented our initial ideas, here is some of the questions they asked and answers we gave along with their overall feedback:

Idea 1:
(Q) Dom W: "How is the man going to get hold of the drugs?"
(A): "He is going to be working in the same building as this drug dealer/gangster, the drugs get mixed up as they both have similar packages and everything gets muddled when the post boy delivers the mail. They both have no time to check the name on the front as they both want to get home"

(Q)Ben: "Where is the kidnap going to take place?"
(A): "The kidnap will be down a narrow path near night time whilst nobody is around it will be quick and realistic as the capture him from behind"

(Q) James: "How will you insure you adapt the action genre throughout the film?"
(A) "We will do this as we are going to have fast paced snappy shots making it seem fast and interesting to the viewer. We are going to add music when the kidnappers are in the car driving to the man and when they kidnap him. There will be intense music playing through. The fast car is symbolic of an action film as is the gun, violence and chase."

- "this idea is strong and seems well planned"
- "the drug mix up may need to planned a little better to be more realistic but apart from that if everything is planned well it sounds like a very good idea"

Idea 2:
(Q) Lauren: "What is the plot for the car chase?"
(A) "being one of our weaker ideas we have not yet established how we are going to show the plot but it will be obvious they are chasing them for a reason and want to harm them as they reveal a gun"

(Q) Dom W: "Where will you do this car chase, without causing any harm?"
(A) "we plan on doing the car chase on a parkway at dusk keeping an eerie feel. We will do it at a time when the roads are almost empty, we will not be driving and no more than the speed limits this shouldn't be an issue and will still look fast on camera."

(Q) Curtis: "What will happen when the car chase is over?"
(A) "we will pull into a secure empty area near a field and get out of the car, one man will say to the other 'that was way to close'. Both will then walk into the bush and bury something"

- "this idea seems less achievable than the first but still has the main aspects of the genre of an action film"
- "the best part of this film will be the ending as it leaves the audience with suspense, the car chase may not look as good as you expect as you haven't got the camera technologies and your first idea certainly seems the strongest."

Idea 3
(Q) Ben: "Where and when will you film the mugging?"
(A) "we will film it down a long narrow path where there is hardly anybody about as it is surround by fields, it is local so easy to get to. It will be filmed at dusk which will create a scarier feel"

(Q) Curtis: "how do you plan on filming the chase?"
(A) "We plan on using track shots for parts of it, but mainly panning shots as the camera looks from a distance, again we will keep the shots very short and snappy to keep up the pace of the movement, allowing the viewer to be part of the chase. Another way we can keep it fast paced is by using a variety of shots, close-ups and extreme close ups and establishing, also the angles changing this will keep the viewer interested."

(Q) Lauren: "is there going to be any dialogue?"
(A) "we don't plan on including a lot in this idea as we think it doesn't need much to make sense especially when its so fast paced we don't think it will fit in much. There will be some shouting form the woman and pedestrians  but the main sounds will be the panting from the running of the mugger to feel we are running with him. At the end we plan on the mugger saying 'Finally' whilst look at the usb, it will then cut black"

- "This also one of your best ideas with one and out weighs idea two. The storyline seems easy to follow but very effective"
- "This seems like a very strong idea and has a good story line and good ideas about the filming of it. But I feel it might be quite short so you may have to film more detail at the start. Having said that I feel Idea one is your strongest and best option"

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