Thursday 25 April 2013

Our Definate Idea

Mistaken Identity - We feel as though this is a great title for our film as the guy who is kidnapped has been mistaken for someone else, as he is innocent, or is he ?

Plot/Outline Summary
Two men work at the same office, John Peters and Danny Stevens, we seem them both take phone calls at the start from this we tell that John is your normal man waiting to go home after the mail is handed out. As for Danny, he acts suspicous taking his phone call outside, we realise he is up to something when he speaks privatley and by his conversation on the phone. 
Both men bump into eachother on the way out and accidently switch packages. When Danny walks out of work and meets his boss in the car park he finds out it is not his package and that the other package with 50 thousand pounds worth of drugs is in Johns Hands. His Boss 'Steven Graham' gets annoyed and plans an action to get the drugs back. Later that evening John is almost home but unfortunatley he gets kidnapped by the two men, loading him in the boot they head off quickly in their get away vehicle. Unfortunatley leaving Johns bag which he dropped and the drugs behind. 
In the next scene we see them interrogating John in a dark room he gts beaten up and threatend at gun point, still denying any inolvement  with the drugs. The question who he works for and believe he has done this on purpose.
We then see John slip a small knife from up his sleeve and relieve his hands form tape on the chair he is attached to. Danny has no clue of this. John knocks the gun out of his hand and smacks it across the room, the scene goes black and a gun shot is let off, but who is killed? and is John really innocent?

Opening Sequence
 We start the whole film with subtitles showing the directors and actors with intense music in the background which gives the viewer and incline of what type of movie they expect. We then introduce the characters by both main characters, Danny and John answer a phone simoltaniously, their converstaions tell you abit about each charcater. The first shot is a close up of a phone and a match on action followed by the same but with Dannys mobile. This keeps people wondering what is happening.

Characters (genre, role, image etc)
The main character John Peters is played by Adam Lomas, he is an innocent and friendly looking guy, who is dressed smartly. We wanted him o look this way as we want people to establish he is going to be the victim and the innocent one in this straight away. A innocent victime is always a stereotypical character you will find in most action movies getting caught up in the drama so we thought it would be important to include this role in ours.

The bad guy also a main character is Danny Stevens, played by Dominic Clarke, he is part of the drug deal and works at the same office as John. He seems suspicious to the audience in the way he acts as his role is suppose to be someone you cant trust and a bad person.

The other main character is Steven Graham, played by Bradley Roche, dressed in a suit and Shades it shows is importance and dominance over Danny. He is represented as the big, tough guy and leader especially when we see danny calling him boss. This character is typical of what you will find in an action movie as their is always a leader, someone callin all the shots.

The next character is less important, he is a mail boy in the workplace, played by Roberto Pinto. He stars in the small section handing out the vital mail that they all desperatley want, mainly Danny. Dress casually smart he represnts the charcater and role well.

The workplace will be filmed inside the school during the day time, it is down a quite corrider which resembles your usual office workplace. We use an office phone and computer to make it seem realistic and to keep the theme clear to people. The kidnapp will be filmed at dusk as it adds supcious and eery feel to the footage. Darkness always represnts bad things.

Dark garage
Outside in quiet area
School office workplace

School interior for office workplace shots, this is easy to acces and ideal appearance.
A local quite resdiential street for kidnapping to show John is head home.
A local business 'Olympus House' this will the workplace exterior for when both men walk out of work to make it seem more realistic.
Dom's car will be used as the get away car and interior shots will be vital.
Bradleys garage will be used for the interrogation scene as it seems dark and eery.

Danny and JOhn will both be wearing shirts and ties to show that they are both at work, John looks very representable to show he is the kind and innocent charcater. 
Steven Graham the head gangster will be wearing a full suit and sunglasses. this shows his power instantly as it is a stereotypical symbol for power and leadership.

A prentend Gun, this is vital to show power and violence, included in almost every action movie.
Fake Drugs, these are use to look realistic and will play a part to allow the viewers to understand the plot.
Telephone in office
Mobile phone
Johns bag
Fake blood
Duct tape

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